THE MENTAL GAME Sports Podcast

Everyone wants to be the best NBA player but what about being their best selves?

January 10, 2023 Larissa Season 3 Episode 18

"Olivier Jean-Charles, originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

  • He is  currently the Associate Head Coach at Orangeville Prep in Toronto, SWEET. Canada. 
  • HE WANTS TO GIVE  give all players a voice. He is a  big believer in strength  in numbers, because having 10 players on the same page is much more powerful than having 1 or 2 superstars. 
  • Oliver is on the path to his dream =, He took the risk of leaving his hometown of Montreal, Quebec to move to Orangeville to chase my dream of coaching in the NBA."
  • And we are going to get you there……… 

He is the Coach you want for your kids.... he puts a high priority on teaching mental skills to his athletes and building trust... with them... and then what happens? The team starts winning...... in life and in their sport.